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The Willys Jeep: In the Beginning!

The Willys Jeep began life during a period of world turmoil. How did these military Jeeps survive?

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Turn5 Supports Higher Education- $117k in Scholarships Awarded to Date

AmericanMuscle, AmericanTrucks & ExtremeTerrain, are proud to announce their bi-annual college scholarship program winners with 3 additional student scholarships awarded for Spring 2021. Recipients in this round earned an additional $7,500 in funding for a total of $117,000 in scholarships awarded from Turn5 (home of AM, AT & XT) since the programs’ inception.

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Jeep Liberty ’05 Sport 4×4

We initially bought our Liberty simply for the fact we live in a rural area of North Florida and the dirt roads are known to wash out especially during

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Jeepers Creepers

After watching the movie I thought I’d build a Jeep after the movie name Jeepers Creepers.

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Jeeps, American Icons

A comprehensive and fun guide to choosing, buying, owning and using Jeeps, old and new

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