Ergonomics are just as important as vibrant graphics.

The EQS, Mercedes-Benz’s electric alternative to the luxurious S-Class sedan, is going to be a masterclass in forward-thinking technology. One of its most spectacular features is its all-new ‘Hyperscreen’, a stunning 56-inch display that the traditional S-Class will miss out on. When news of this system dropped, we were incredulous, but once we had collected our jaws from the concrete, a sobering thought popped into our heads: how the hell do you use this thing? Luckily, Germans love to talk about technological details, so Mercedes has dropped a new video featuring three of the masterminds behind this astonishing new screen. Unfortunately, you’ll need to activate subtitles for this one unless your surname is Schmidt.



Sadly, the video is shot in portrait mode for some strange reason (must be a German thing) and the video focuses on the Mercedes employees more than the interior of the car. But it does give you an understanding of how the team arrived at the design of the EQS sedan’s stunning interior. If we’re being honest, the video is mostly about Merc tooting its own horn and telling us how the brand has pioneered the look and feel of the future. But there is one line we’re especially fond of from Merc’s expert for user experience, Nina Hallier: “Technology must never feel complicated. It should be innovative and exciting, but it also has to feel familiar and intuitive.”

Front Angle ViewDaimler AG


Side View DrivingMercedes

If Mercedes follows the goals it set for itself with the design of the EQS, then future models will be even more advanced yet just as user-friendly and ergonomic to use. The cabins will be as luxurious as ever but will still be jam-packed with tech. And that’s something that is much easier to achieve in an all-new model where there’s more creative license to be free and imaginative. Perhaps that’s why the S-Class won’t get the Hyperscreen just yet; its buyers want something more familiar and traditional. Either way, it seems that Merc has remembered the human element when creating this new display, and you won’t need a degree in I.T. to operate it.



