The production model hasn’t been revealed yet, but that hasn’t stopped Rimac from opening a new swanky showroom.

Nearly three years after the prototype debuted at Geneva, the Rimac C_Two is getting closer to production every day. Prototype testing of the electric supercar is reaching the final stages as we’ve watched Rimac finetune the suspension to ensure the C_Two drives like a dream both on the road and track, as well as subject the car to aerodynamic testing in a wind tunnel and electromagnetic testing.

Before customer deliveries begin, Rimac has opened a new swanky showroom in Shanghai, China, as a result of its collaboration with Kingsway Group, Rimac’s official partner in Greater China. Just like the C_Two, the Croatian automaker’s first showroom looks very sleek and stylish, blending “clean lines and a modern design” with the C_Two prototype taking center stage.



“The C_Two is the next generation hypercar that unlocks the extreme performance of the electric drivetrain and will bring a new level of driving experience,” said Mate Rimac, the company’s founder and CEO.

“It will be supported by a customer service experience to match – no matter where you are in the world. As such, we are very happy to welcome Kingsway Group into our family with their excellent reputation and access to the key markets for our customers in Hong Kong, Macau and China. This is another important step in the building of Rimac’s global network and brand.”

Production of the Rimac C_Two is limited to 150 examples, which will be sold at dealers located in the US East Coast, West Coast, and Central US, Germany, UAE, Canada, Japan, Mexico, and Australia.

The production Rimac C_Two will be revealed this year, but we’re still waiting to find out the exact date. When it arrives, the C_Two will be powered by four electric motors producing a combined 1,914 horsepower and 1,696 lb-ft of torque. In the prototype, this setup enabled the electric supercar to sprint from 0-62 mph in just 1.85 seconds, but the production model could be even faster thanks to the extra development time.

2020 Rimac C Two Rear ViewRimac

2020 Rimac C Two Front Angle ViewRimac